Tankersley, D., et al.
Published in:
ISSA - International Step by Step Association
The Netherlands

Professional Development Tool for Improving Quality of Practices in Primary School

This tool specifically illustrate (for primary school levels of education) each of the 85 indicators of quality in the ISSA Principles of Quality Pedagogy. It deconstructs how educators move on a continuum from inadequate practice, to a good start, to quality practice and then into transformational practice whereby they begin to create systemic change in the teaching paradigm and practice. Concrete examples of the different kinds of action educators may take at different levels of practice are given for each indicator of quality, in a continuum format.

However, the tool also recognizes that quality is a concept that is socially constructed. The tool was designed with dialogue in mind by asking a question at the end of each indicator: What are other ways that educators can...? Although the tool may be very useful in describing levels of practice, there are always other examples of behaviours or actions in each of levels for each of the indicators, and such examples could be developed by educators working with others so that different perspectives can be presented and reflected upon. The examples are meant to be changed based on the specific and diverse contexts that educators work in, and not as fixed indicators.