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NGO “KHAM" Delcevo
Zoran Bikovski,

Roma community in Macedonia during the crises with COVID-19

During the pandemic, the NGO “KHAM" Delcevo had an important role to play in raising awareness among the Roma community about how to be protected from COVID-19.  In order to achieve our objectives we implemented online education for pregnant women about going to the Gynecologist and taking care of their children’s physical and mental health. Also, we supported Roma children living in poverty, and families with low income to attend the online education. Finally, we supported Roma families who were affected by the economic crisis to apply for social welfare benefits.

Together with Roma Health Network (Roma NGOs who are supported from OSF) who have monthly online meetings. In addition, all the difficulties that the community faces were presented to the Government via online meetings. With support from OSF, the Roma Network donated $130,000 to the Roma community. Finally, the community was benefitted from the brochures developed about how to be protected from COVID-19.