
An international event held by TOY for Inclusion shared achievements and lessons learned over the past two years. Thanks to the work of local communities and professionals, the TOY for Inclusion Play Hubs became the gateway to kindergarten and school for many Romani children.


World Children’s Day is celebrated in an effort to promote awareness of children’s wellbeing and rights around the globe. November 20th is the date in 1959 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.


For the first time in ISSA’s near twenty year’s history, we are joined by a coalition that operates from Africa.


Come join ISSA on this wonderful learning opportunity.


The Wide Open School is working with seriously disadvantaged people: the Roma community. They live in very poor settlements.


A row concerning the basic 'right to settlement' emerges in the Netherlands. Several Traveller groups, including Roma and Sinti, have occupied vacant trailer lots that were once appointed to their community.


Against School Aggression Project has released a vision document with recommendations against bullying for anyone involved in education and school policy making.


A Peer Learning Activity to reinforce quality education in Kosovo.


INTESYS shows we are stronger together when striving toward goals.


A Systemic Approach to Quality in Early Childhood Services for children from 3 to 10 years of age.