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Joint Learning Labs

ISSA’s Joint Learning Labs are initiated by ISSA Members and aim to enable and nurture group exchanges and learning, professional discussions around controversial issues, and co-creation of knowledge among Members. These multi-year Labs create learning communities around diverse thematic areas.


Learning labs past

A common quality framework for non-formal ECEC initiatives

Non-formal early childhood education and care (ECEC) spaces such as community playgroups, family centres, and play hubs offer rich play and learning experiences for young children, their families

Hosted By
International Child Development Initiatives and Centrul Step-by-Step
Start Date

End Date

ECEC, non-formal services, quality
Play Hub Croatia -019-sq
Services and policies on Early Childhood Intervention

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services focus on strengthening the capacities of the parents to support their child with developmental problems in daily routines. The natural environment

Hosted By
The SOFT Tulip Foundation from the Netherlands; For Our Children Foundation, Bulgaria
Start Date

End Date

001 - Newborn and health worker
Supporting young children’s risky play

After several years of practice based research on young children’s risky play (birth to 6-year-olds), their team wants to share its insights and tools with you. They are eager to discuss and learn

Hosted By
Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, Opgroeien
Start Date

End Date

Jess Greenhill Stramash Outdoor nursery ORIGINEEL