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This Guide will help you get familiar with the collaborative reflective practices of educators working in Early Childhood Education Centres (ECEC) and primary schools. It is intended for both ECEC professionals and leaders interested in finding out more about professional learning communities, how they operate, how different reflective methods help educators and how to set one up in your educational setting.
The ambition of this roadmap is to inspire you, as a reader, to strengthen collaboration between assisting and core practitioners in ECEC. The underlying idea is that better collaboration strengthens individual practitioners and teams in addressing all aspects of children’s well-being, development and learning needs. In order to strengthen collaboration between assisting and core practitioners, this roadmap presents both a framework and ideas to develop pathways for continuous professional development, engaging both assisting and core practitioners, as well as leaders.
Issa Practices
With the project “ZAMISLICE” (CHILDEAS – Tiny Little Thoughts), ISSA member from Slovenia, Mala Ulica  wished to acquaint all new parents with the importance of early interactions. They provided parents with a pendant that can also serve as a pram mobile – a small, but important gadget that offers 30 handy cards with ideas for simple activities with babies which promote the child's overall development, anywhere, any time. In addition to description of a concrete activity, each card contains a brief explanation of why this activity is important and how it will foster child development.
The Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education is a ground-breaking manual which uses a permacultural lens to inspire child-friendly approaches to embed education for a sustainable future into preschool, kindergarten and primary school programs.
With Friends to the Seaside is a picture book created by children under the mentorship of preschool teachers at a meeting attended by Roma children and their parents. It is written in Slovenian and Romani with the possibility for including additional translation of the text.       
Professional Development Tool - a tool for gathering examples on ISSA quality principles is a tool used for identifying and documenting examples of good practice in teachers' practice (peer observation, etc.) on specific ISSA quality principles and indicators. Teachers use these examples for reflective discussion for developing common understanding. The tool can be used in professional learning communities or in the mentoring process.       
My Reflective Diary: ISSA Pedagogical Principles is developed around the ISSA Principles of Quality Pedagogy. It can be used to document professionals on-going changing understandings of different principles as they work together in learning communities to go deeper into the concepts presented.      
To develop a new method of professionalization for low qualified practitioners in the 0-3 sector of the Flemish Community of Belgium, in 2010 Artevelde Hogeschool (University College in Gent) and VBJK (Center for Innovation in the Early Years), with ESF (European Social Fund) funds, started a project called WANDA . The methodology used in Wanda has its roots in the French ‘Analyze de Pratiques’ and in the Anglo-Saxon ‘Appreciative Inquiry’.
ISSA's Effective teaching and learning for minority-language children in preschool is a set of materials developed under the Socrates Programme-Comenius 2.1 project in partnership with ISSA’s members from Slovakia, Open School Foundation, and from Estonia, Hea Algus with input from international partners from Italy (Cooperation per lo sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti/COSPE) and the Netherlands (Sardes Education Services). The set consists of: Teachers' Guide "Speaking for Diversity: Promoting Multilingualism in Early Childhood Education";
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