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Equity in Early Childhood Development

Issa Thematic Focus
While teachers are a crucial part of Early Childhood Development services, they make up just a fraction of the early years workforce. Decades of research have shown that home visitors can increase parental wellbeing and efficacy, decrease child maltreatment and improve a child'd life and learning prospect.
Issa Thematic Focus
Providing children with equal opportunities to grow, develop, learn and play is fundamental. Recognizing children’s inner potential no matter their economic background, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, and creating environments that respects and values diversity are key to creating equitable services. Children thrive in places that nurture their potential.
Issa Thematic Focus
Despite increased attention to ECD on both global and national level and the compelling evidence provided by research on the importance of the first years in the life of an individual, still more efforts are needed to elevate the level of awareness among policy makers, professionals, families and the wider public.
These Policy Recommendations were written under the INTESYS Project, Erasmus+ Key Action 3 pilot project implemented in four European countries (Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Slovenia). INTESYS proposed and piloted an innovative Reference Framework and the Toolkit Towards Integrated Early Childhood Systems- Building the Foundations.
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