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Children’s education must go on! A new online platform is supporting families and children affected by the war in Ukraine to easily access distance learning.
This is the Toolbox of the Erasmus+ project Multilingual early childhood education and care for young refugee children. In this project (2016-2019) the consortium made an inventory of the existing services, activities and programmes for young children from refugee and asylum-seeking families in the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and the United Kingdom. The Toolbox includes Country reports, Quality Indicators and Training packages.
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Recent European studies show that quality of education and care in the early childhood depends on the presence of a professional and competent workforce. As part of their research on early childhood development, ISSA Member, For Our Children Foundation has conducted a study which focuses on professionals working with young children and their families in the health, education and social systems in Bulgaria.
The book Child Protection in the Early Years provides information on what is child abuse and the its causes. It explores how to provide safe, nurturing environments for young children. It also explains the impact of trauma on young brains and explores how practice can be developed. It also addresses your responsibility to be safe practitioner.     
The Guidelines for a Secure Family Environment are a tool directed at parents, professionals working directly with children and policy makers in the area of child protection. They document the main areas of parental care, which are required to make a child safe, secure and happy in the family environment.
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‘At REYN, we aim to break through the negative cycle’
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Geneva, May 23, 2018 - Investing in early childhood development (ECD) is one of the best investments a country can make to boost economic growth, promote peaceful and sustainable societies, and eliminate inequality.
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Though intimate partner violence and violence against children share a number of common causes, many responses to intimate partner violence and violence against children are siloed – with different programs informed by separate data. A compelling report from UNFPA and UNICEF draws attention to the relationship between intimate partner violence and violence against children.
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In Europe and North America, the arrival of heightened numbers of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years has challenged the ability of governments and service providers to both meet initial reception needs and provide effective long-term integration services. Young children make up a significant share of these newcomers.
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Eunice Lumsden, Head of Early Years at the University of Northampton in the UK, has written a new book aimed at providing information to early childhood professionals on how to create safe, supportive environments for young children who have faced adverse childhood experiences. Child Protection in the Early Years: A Practical Guide explains the impact of trauma on young brains and gives practical instructions on how to recognize and response to abuse. Exercises, case studies and reflection points accompany these instructions to help the reader identify and improve methods.
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