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This guidebook was developed as part of the "Transition Is Our Mission" (TIM) project, aimed at ensuring a smooth transition for children from preschool to primary school. The document provides research-based insights and practical tools for educators and other stakeholders involved in this transition, focusing on developmental, pedagogical, and professional continuity. It includes guidelines and examples of good practices from Croatia, Latvia, and Slovenia, addressing challenges such as ensuring consistency in teaching approaches and providing support to families.
A Flexible Preschool System for Every Child: Diversifying Early Learning in Europe and Central Asia This online high-level exchange will take place on May 7th, from 10:00 to 11:30 am CET, and will entail representation from the Deputy Ministers in the region and key strategic partners engaged in supporting these efforts.
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  The PIQET project launches quality principles for the professional development of educators
In the dynamic landscape of early childhood professional development, the traditional, one-size-fits-all approaches have proven insufficient, often disconnected from the real-world context in which professionals operate. Recognizing the limitations of top-down decision-making and isolated learning methods, the concept of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) emerges as a transformative approach.
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New Analysis: A Comprehensive Examination of Continuous Professional Development Educators 
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In Australia, Minderoo Foundation is attempting to make our era's most significant educational, social, and economic reform. What change is worthy of such a statement? A universally accessible, high-quality early learning and childcare system.
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The webinar on Teacher Leadership in Kazakhstan coincides with the publication of a new book by The Teacher Leadership in Kazakhstan (TLK) initiative. ISSA Member Community Educational Foundation "School for All" took part in this webinar held by UNESCO in Almaty in May 2023. The overall aim of the event was to introduce the concept of TLK, share the experience gained throughout the project, and build a network of teachers in Central Asia who are interested in non-positional teacher leadership.
"Let's Play" Activity Cards - Play-based activities for healing and learning
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There is a broad consensus among researchers, organizations, and policy makers that the outcomes for children, and ultimately families are strongly related to the quality of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) that they receive. Quality pedagogy depends on well-educated and qualified staff. As schools and preschools become ever-more diverse, having well-trained teachers and staff becomes more important than ever.
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Since the start of the war in Ukraine, more than 120,000 Ukrainian children have arrived in the Czech Republic. Step by Step ČR responded swiftly to this influx of Ukrainian families by hosting webinars in late March and early April, titled “We have new, Ukrainian classmates” in which they examined how Ukrainian children can be supported and included in their transition into Czech schools.
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