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On July 23, 2024, early childhood development experts from across Africa, the Arab regions, and beyond convened for a pivotal Cross-Regional Webinar. The event, organized by the Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN) and the Arab Network for Early Childhood Development (ANECD) under the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative (ECWI), aimed to address the pressing challenges facing the professionalization of the early learning workforce.
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In a world increasingly impacted by crises, the importance of addressing early childhood development (ECD) in these challenging contexts is paramount. ECD Regional Networks provide the necessary social, organizational and knowledge infrastructure to effectively link on-the-ground realities with local and regional expertise.
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For the first time in ISSA’s near twenty year’s history, we are joined by a coalition that operates from Africa. The Malawian Early Childhood Development Coalition (ECDC), is a joint venture comprised of various partners that all concern themselves with the betterment of Quality and Early Childhood Development interventions throughout the nation.  
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The Wide Open School is working with seriously disadvantaged people: the Roma community. They live in very poor settlements. At the same time, through their expert work for universities (in cooperation with professional consultancies) they are connected with wealthier people as well, amongst which are many from the private IT sector.
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‘The birth of a child mobilizes all the people in his or her community. The family, but also all people in its surrounding social environment.  It is during these first years that a child develops its tastes, understands social codes, and feels a sense of belonging. It is a key moment to encourage positive integration of both child and family into their community. Because the child's well-being will determine its position in the world and its understanding of his or her existence.’
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A Cirle of Friends training took place near Zagreb this summer as Open Academy Step by Step invited 20 participants to share their knowledge on this highly effective approach.
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A new publication from the OECD entitled "Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments: The Importance of Innovative Pedagogies" features the role of the ISSA, as a network, and of fours of its members with their national networks for cultivating innovative pedagogies. The new publication provides a snapshot of innovative pedagogies in classrooms across the globe – setting the stage for shift from teachers as technicians to teachers as designers of appropriate learning environments for young children.
In the article 'Power of Associations in Early Childhood Education and Care,' published in the Official Journal of the Association for Childhood Ecucation International, ISSA Program Director, Mihaela Ionescu, unpacks the power of membership associations in the early childhood field, with a particular spotlight on ISSA and the added-value the organization brings to the field by strengthening knowledge and capacity among the its membership.
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