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In emergencies, the amount of investment in ECD is scarce and very fragmented. More than half of humanitarian and refugee response plans focus on immediate needs while neglecting the overall development, learning and well-being of the youngest children and their caregivers. Due to its complexity, ECD can be best guaranteed within a multisectoral and integrated approach, mobilizing various resources in a well-coordinated manner.
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Step by Step Moldova provides quality non-formal ECEC services for Ukrainian children Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Moldova has welcomed around 100,000 refugees—many of whom are women and children. Despite receiving automatic rights to housing, healthcare, education, and work since January 2023, most refugees hope to return home to Ukraine.
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The recent experience with the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the "professional isolation" of early childhood education practitioners, as the possibilities for mutual connection and sharing of practices have been greatly reduced. It also highlighted that the digital competencies of professionals need to be strengthened. Against this backdrop, the idea of developing a green education project that enables valuable international exchanges among early childhood educators via virtual study visits was born.  
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30,000 children in Romania and Poland receive story books in Ukrainian  
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Twelve training sessions in Psychological First Aid (PFA) for 450 early childhood development practitioners were organized and delivered by the Centrul Step by Step in Romania. Preschool educators and primary education teachers who are working with refugee children from Ukraine took part in these trainings.
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For the past two years, ISSA Member Step by Step Center for Quality in Education (Slovenia) has been piloting the Primokiz approach in eight municipalities in Slovenia to establish integrated early childhood support systems for families with young children by developing local strategies approved by the respective municipal councils.
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Four additional ISSA Member organizations receive Primokiz training 
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In partnership with Save the Children and with support from Amazon, the International Step by Step Association will distribute 195,000 copies of three children’s story books in Ukrainian, from ISSA’s Reading Corner series. These stories will reach young children in Ukraine, Poland, and Romania. 
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Webinar: Enabling responsive early childhood strategies: the Primokiz Approach for Local Governments
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ISSA and War Child join forces in new partnership initiative  
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