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The Training Programme for CPD Educators was developed under Erasmus + project Principles of Quality in Education of Teachers – PIQET. This project aimed to develop a set of resources for assuring the quality of CPD educator performance to assure the quality of CPD opportunities in general. Besides the training programme, other resources developed are (can be found here):
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Empowering Early Childhood Educators: Erasmus+ project drives professional development for enhanced ECEC quality Despite mounting evidence of the positive impact a high-quality early childhood workforce has on early childhood development, the workforce continues to face challenges such as inadequate training.
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  The PIQET project launches quality principles for the professional development of educators
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New Analysis: A Comprehensive Examination of Continuous Professional Development Educators 
The European REYN Early Childhood Research Study (the REYN Study) provides an examination of the status of young Roma children and their families across Europe. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the multi-layered and intersectional nature of the challenges faced by young Roma children and their families. The REYN Study presents key findings from a thorough analysis of data on key areas of the lives of young Roma children and their families.
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REYN Early Childhood Research Study launches today The European REYN Early Childhood Research Study (the REYN Study) has been released today during the ISSA Connects for Learning event in Opatija, Croatia.
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The recent experience with the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the "professional isolation" of early childhood education practitioners, as the possibilities for mutual connection and sharing of practices have been greatly reduced. It also highlighted that the digital competencies of professionals need to be strengthened. Against this backdrop, the idea of developing a green education project that enables valuable international exchanges among early childhood educators via virtual study visits was born.  
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From April 3-5, 2023, International Step by Step Association (ISSA) staff and trainers from ISSA member organizations in four countries gathered in Budapest, Hungary for the first in-person edition of the “Training of trainers” (ToT) on “Foundational psychological first aid (PFA) and trauma-informed practices for young children and their caregivers”.
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For the past two years, ISSA Member Step by Step Center for Quality in Education (Slovenia) has been piloting the Primokiz approach in eight municipalities in Slovenia to establish integrated early childhood support systems for families with young children by developing local strategies approved by the respective municipal councils.
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Four additional ISSA Member organizations receive Primokiz training 
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