The Diversity+ project earns perfect score of 100/100
The Diversity+ project earns perfect score of 100/100
We are excited to announce that the Erasmus+ project “Diversity+” has received a perfect score of 100/100 from the Italian Erasmus+ National Agency INDIRE for its outstanding efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion.
This achievement is a celebration of the efforts of the entire partnership and recognises the contribution that the Diversity+ project has made and continues to make in cherishing the uniqueness of each and every one of us, enabling early childhood educators to work towards creating an inclusive learning environment that celebrates the diversity of each child and is characterised by mutual respect in every situation.
We, at ISSA, are proud to have been part of this successful partnership and also for the contribution we have made to the project. Besides providing technical assistance and leading the dissemination activities, ISSA led the development and production of the Diversity+ Charter and the Diversity+ Footprint Assessment Tool, both available in several languages, and which have recently been published on the European School Education Platform of the European Commission. Navigate through the complete Diversity+ Toolkit.
It has been a privilege to work together with CIAPE (lead partner), Link Campus University, Skola Dokoran - Wide Open School (ISSA Member), The Opportunity Centre, Business Foundation for Education and Schola Empirica. As a consortium, we have worked together to make Diversity+ a project of excellence, demonstrating on every occasion the incredible professionalism and humanity of all those involved and who have made this an unforgettable and rewarding experience.