Welcome to ISSA Knowledge Hub!
All the resources stored here have been created by ISSA Members or ISSA Secretariat in partnership with Members or partners.

The Training Programme for CPD Educators was developed under Erasmus + project Principles of Quality in Education of Teachers – PIQET. This project aimed to develop a set of resources for assuring the quality…
This guidebook was developed as part of the "Transition Is Our Mission" (TIM) project, aimed at ensuring a smooth transition for children from preschool to primary school. The document provides research-based insights and practical tools for educators and other stakeholders involved in this…
Introducing the Playful Parenting Series: Insights, Tips, and Transformative Strategies
Welcome to our Playful Parenting Series, an engaging collection of articles and vlogs designed to empower parents and caregivers with innovative strategies to enhance their children's…
Early Childhood Development toolbox for local governments to support young children and their families - The healthy and rounded development of children in their early years lays the critical foundations for their well-being and success later in life. It requires…
The PIQET Principles represent a groundbreaking initiative under the Erasmus+ project, designed to elevate the standard of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for educators across diverse educational landscapes. Authored by a consortium including the Educational Research Institute in…
This Guide will help you get familiar with the collaborative reflective practices of educators working in Early Childhood Education Centres (ECEC) and primary schools. It is intended for both ECEC professionals and leaders interested in finding out more about professional learning communities,…
The available data shows that refugee children and children with a migrant background, in Europe, are at greater risk of poverty and social exclusion. Governments have an essential role in fostering a welcoming environment for young refugees and migrants by offering inclusive early childhood…
Young Roma children have an equal right to thrive. The fulfillment of this right calls for urgent and comprehensive measures and coordinated public investment. However, there is general concern about how effective Roma inclusion policy measures are at the European level.
…Welcome to ISSA Knowledge Hub!
All the resources stored here have been created by ISSA Members or ISSA Secretariat in partnership with Members or partners.

The MANDELA model for Early Childhood Education and Care is a framework to place inclusivity at the heart of practice with babies, children, and families. It recognises the importance of relationships and belonging and ensuring environments reflect this. It also acknowledges that if we change…
Mektebim is a women-led, child-centred, community-based, inclusive preschool business.
Our mission
To provide the sustainable community-based and inclusive Early Childhood Education (ECE) services for all children, including those who do not have the chance to study,…
A functioning model for multi-stakeholders collaboration at municipality level to work with Romani communities is developed to improve the responsiveness and accountability of local authorities, particularly elected and senior civil servants towards marginalized Roma communities and to…
The purpose of the Together Old and Young (TOY) Programme is to promote intergenerational learning and to create new possibilities for older adults and young children to learn together and benefit from each others’ company. People are living longer but older adults and young children are having…
Aflatot: Early childhood education for sustainable development. This study took place in the following countries: Albania, Serbia, Slovakia, Kenya, Zambia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, India and the Philippines to document the effects of the Aflatot programs on social emotional outcomes for young…
The Learning Centers Network initiated by Balkan Sunflowers connects 40 Learning Centers managed by different NGOs in Albania. These centers include preschool services, curriculum support, literacy and science programs, and an education mediator targeting the most vulnerable children and their…
The Learning Together project has created a network of 15 Centres for Peer Support, which provide a platform for mutual learning across institutions. This platform provides peer support across eight kindergartens and eight primary schools to help improve the competences of teachers, create…
The practice Supporting the early development of children in informal Roma settlements aims to improve the social inclusion of children aged birth to six and their families. The Know How Centre organizes activities aimed at enriching Roma parents' skills living in settlements to provide quality…
Novi Sad Intersectorial Network for Children (NSMEDE) is a local inter-sectorial network aiming to provide a strategic and systematic framework for improving the position of children in Novi Sad. Through the establishment of a flexible model of inter-sectorial cooperation among actors at the…
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services started to develop in Ukraine as an initiative of NGO organizations in 2000. During the last years, ECI has been actively developing in several Ukrainian regions. A Consortium of Ukrainian and international organizations started in 2008 lobbying for…
Family Resource Centres were established in Kyzyforda, Zhambul and Semey in Kazakhstan to assist families whose children were not attending preschool (typically poor families). The centers welcomed children and families to prepare them for primary school. The parents received information on…
Inclusion of a course on the ISSA Principles of Quality Pedagogy for fourth year students at the Kazakh Women's University in Almaty, and three methodological training centres in Kysyforda, Zhambul, and Semey regions with co-financing.
The Growing Together project consisted of three parts: improving preschool education practices by using the ISSA Principles of Quality Pedagogy and parent and community involvement; building community and partnerships at the primary school level, and parental education. The project's…
Inclusive Resource Centers (IRC) in five sites in four regions were developed under the programme supported by USAID. Their main purpose is to provide complex inter-sectorial support to children with special needs, their parents and teachers working with these children in pre-school and…
Supporting Development of Early Inclusive Education in Tbilisi Kindergartens is a project aiming to support development of early childhood inclusive education: 1) by empowering mainstream kindergarten teachers and specialists working in kindergartens through modelling, practicing and…