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Date: 04-11-2019

Empowering Romani Women in Hungary

Tags: Hungary, early childhood services, REYN, Roma

One of the REYN objectives is to increase diversity in the workforce. In this blog, Partners Hungary Foundation, host of REYN Hungary, reports on how they coached five Romani women to become a caregiver in six months. This is the first of a series of blogs that REYN Hungary will publish on this matter.

Professionals working in early childhood services have been voicing for a long time that having more Romani colleagues would support Romani children’s inclusion. The reason is that for children it is easier to relate to people that have the same cultural background.

Where this has happened, professionals report very positive experiences. For example, in a primary school in the town of Nyírbátor, where they have an intercultural mediator, more and more Roma parents have started to attend parents’ meetings.  Read more on the REYN website.