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Date: 04-02-2020

ISSA Member Kind en Gezin has a Vision for Integrated Family Policy

ISSA Member Kind en Gezin from Belgium is committed to creating opportunities for every child, wherever and however it was born and raised. Children’s rights and respect for diversity are the organization’s guiding principles. Kind en Gezin contributes to the well-being of young children and their families in an active way through preventive family support, childcare, and adoption.

In 2015, Kind en Gezin started the project with the support of Asylum, Migrant and Integration Found of the European Commission (AMIF). Within this project, together with partners, the organization has group sessions for women with small children who have to follow an integration trajectory. They receive an integrated service which contains learning Dutch, getting to know the society and parenting support. The goal of the project is to strengthen mothers and to enrich the broad living environment of children and parents. The women following this trajectory have been very positive about it. They mention growing strength, self-confidence and the fact that they see more perspective in their life.

Learning from Kind en Gezin

To the fellow ISSA Members, Kind en Gezin can offer policy and vision information about young children and integrated family policy. The organization also offers know-how and practices about innovative projects focused on integrated working, health care, family support, prevention of child abuse and neglect. Besides, Kind en Gezin would like to expand its international network to learn from other countries and organizations abroad.

Kind en Gezin wishes other organizations to listen to the parents and children they work for so that they can focus on their real needs and preferences. Professionals from Kind en Gezin are confident that it does not require big focus groups or research. The main impact is on the attitude of the professional.

To learn more about the work of Kind en Gezin you can look at their resources: