Contact ISSA Member

Centrul Step by Step
(+403 171) 02929
Full Member
(+403 171) 02929
Full Member
Geographical Focus
Type of organisation
Non-governmental organization
Professional Association
Thematic focus
Parenting support programs
Social inclusion for Romani and migrant children
Social inclusion for children with special needs
Organisation groups
ESJ license
Full and Affiliate Members of ISSA
Targeted age groups
Direct targeted groups
Social workers
Managers of services
Policy makers
Vision: Educated to succeed
Mission: Support global open society values
Fundamental Values
• Innovation and creativity in education and child protection
• Valuing the ensemble child-childhood
• Respect for human diversity
Objectives • Approaching with specific methods of teaching –learning-assessment for a child-focused education
• Accountability and involving families and communities in children's education
• Provide equal opportunities for all children
• Sustains the development of the professional community in offering an inclusive quality education for all children and their families
• Promotes and implements the democratic principles in education and child protection
• Develop activities in order to sustain and develop the open society and democratic values
Mission: Support global open society values
Fundamental Values
• Innovation and creativity in education and child protection
• Valuing the ensemble child-childhood
• Respect for human diversity
Objectives • Approaching with specific methods of teaching –learning-assessment for a child-focused education
• Accountability and involving families and communities in children's education
• Provide equal opportunities for all children
• Sustains the development of the professional community in offering an inclusive quality education for all children and their families
• Promotes and implements the democratic principles in education and child protection
• Develop activities in order to sustain and develop the open society and democratic values
Psychological First Aid Training in Romania: Creating a Climate of Safety and Support
Twelve training sessions in Psychological First Aid (PFA) for 450 early childhood development practitioners were organized and delivered by the Centrul Step by Step in Romania. Preschool educators and...Advocacy efforts in Romania continue while war deepens inequities
To date, ISSA Member Step by Step Center for Education and Professional Development (CEPD) has made enormous efforts to address the needs of refugee children and families entering Romania fr...Survey: Public Perception Regarding Early Childhood Education in Romania
Bucharest, April 9th, 2021 - Parents in Romania are aware of the importance of education for a child’s development, however they associate the outcomes of education with discipline, conformism an...Early Childhood Education Included in the National Defense Strategy of Romania
Recently early childhood education was included in the National Defense Strategy of Romania for 2020-2024 as a part of the presidential program Educated Romania. President Klaus Iohannis noted that th...Amazon, ISSA, and Save the Children partner to distribute story books in Ukrainian
In partnership with Save the Children and with support from Amazon, the International Step by Step Association will distribute 195,000 copies of three children’s story books in Ukrainian, from IS...ISSA and War Child join forces in new partnership initiative
ISSA and War Child join forces in new partnership initiative Since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, more than 12 million people have fled their homes. The UNHCR estimat...Conference Highlights Early Education and the Professionals of the Future
Investment in the early years was recently promoted in Bucharest during an annual conference initiated four years ago by ISSA Member, Step by Step Center for Education and Professional Development (CE...Civil society organizations offer input on early education strategy in Romania
UNICEF Romania and Center for Education and Professional Development Step by Step hold the first reunion of the Working Group for Early Childhood Education and Care, which will lead to a national stra...Peer Learning Activity on pedagogical quality, Bucharest
Directors of childcare centers from five different countries -Belgium, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Romania-, met during a Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on 14 and 15 November in Buchar...Public-private partnerships for early education, a chance for Romania's competitiveness
On May 20th, ISSA Member Step by Step Centre for Education and Professional Development,(CEDP) Bucharest, Romania hosted a powerfully successful one-day conference: "Public-private partnerships for ea...Investment in the early years highlighted at World Bank roundtable
ISSA Member, Center for Education and Professional Development (CEPD) was represented by Radu Enache, former Managing Director and Administrator of Hewlett Packard Romania, at the Roundtable on Invest...Civil society and the business community champion early childhood education in Romania
Early childhood education has a new strong advocate in Romania. Ready Nation Romania, a network of business people who are socially engaged, has been supporting early childhood advocacy in the past tw...Resources
Health by the Book
Health by the Book is not only a nutrition book, it is also an educational handbook for well-being and a healthy life style. Step by Step Centre for Education and Professional Development in Romania d...I Grow Responsibly – Step by Step Handbook
To promote child's holistic development and prepare children for the competences needed in the XXI century, Bambi Kindergarten (Bucharest, Romania) implemented a programme to stimulate child's initiat...